《Rock-'n'-Roll Rustic. English Country Goes Rock-'N'-Roll 鄉村搖滾風 英國的鄉下也很搖擺》

Implausible as it may seem, holiday accommodation in rural England isn't limited to twee little cottages, somber stately homes and drafty old castles with terrible plumbing. Travelers who would rather not bed down in architectural museums can now instead stay in some living architecture — or perhaps that should be Living Architecture, the brainchild of Swiss broadcaster and writer Alain de Botton.It's a nonprofit initiative to plant contemporary holiday chalets throughout the country, each designed by a different cutting-edge studio.
實在很難相信,要在英國的鄉下找到除矯飾的小茅屋、陰森森的莊園,或是通風卻馬桶不通的城堡外的其他度假旅館。不想打地鋪在外觀特殊的博物館裡的旅行家,現在有機會可以待在某個現今的特殊建築物中 ─ 或者應該稱它叫 Living Architecture (可入住的建築美學),由瑞士播報員兼作家 Alain de Botton 所創的名字。這個非盈利性的構想,是要在鄉下蓋出現代感的渡假小屋,每個小屋將由各個不同前衛的工作室所設計。

"In the United States of America, we don't practice guilt by association. (在美國,我們不會集團式地犯罪)" -- Denis McDonough,美國國家安全顧問使,在對一群回教聽眾時這麼說。這言詞導致眾議員 Peter King 的演說在一群美國激進派回教徒的爭吵中收場。
